Medical Biochemists

AMBI West Bengal

Association of Medical Biochemists of India (AMBI), West Bengal Chapter is a professional organization dedicated to promoting the field of medical biochemistry in West Bengal, India. It aims to bring together medical biochemists and professionals in related fields to facilitate research, knowledge sharing, and advancements in the field of medical biochemistry.

Association of Medical Biochemists of India, West Bengal Chapter is a medical biochemists organization founded -years ago by medical biochemists , with the aim of safeguarding the professional interests of medical biochemists. Today, the WB chapter represents more than 100 members.

News & Events

Association of Medical
Biochemists of India

Our Mission

The mission of ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTS OF INDIA, WEST BENGAL CHAPTER is to provide a positive environment for young medical biochemists

You can support ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTS OF INDIA, WEST BENGAL CHAPTER financially or by volunteering.